Tuesday, 24 March 2009

A Slight Snag

During filming our car chase at Dorney Lake, we encountered a slight problem in the shape of the site team.

Being a private site, they had an objection to us filming without their permission. However they were understanding to our cause and our apologies and told us if we write them a letter they would be happy to allow us to film. Basically they just needed some paper evidence to go in their files.

The letter is below.

Dear Sir/Madam

We are writing to you to ask you permission to conduct some filming for an AS Media Studies project on your land. Following a conversation with your site team we have provisional permission to do so but we have been advised to make a formal request to carry out this task.

We are making a 2 minute opening sequence to a film which involves a driving sequence. The sequence has been fully choreographed on our story boards and both our drivers have valid UK driving licenses. We plan to drive along the road which follows the lake to the boathouse and film two cars from different points on the road. We have discussed in great detail the correct procedures the drivers will follow and all road regulations such as speed limits etc. on your land will be followed. We have also discussed health and safety with our Media Studies teacher.

We don’t expect to take up a lot of time in doing this and we will follow any requests you may have for us. If you wish to know any more about our project we can show you the full planning of production which is available at the following link


We have discussed this issue with an Assistant Headteacher at school and he has seen this letter. He is happy to make direct contact with you to discuss our intentions if that is desirable. His name is Mr Titheridge and he is contactable at the school on 01753 716060 ext 234.

We would greatly appreciate your co-operation with our project but will fully understand if you cannot grant us this.

Many Thanks

Oliver Clubb

Jack Parfitt

Joe Sullivan


Having shown them the letter they were happy to allow us to continue so we are now planning the last days of shooting.

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