Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Initial Ideas

e're currently developing a few ideas for the short film and once it has been created we'll know what we need to do for our ancillary pieces.

The first idea is an exploration of dreams. We're considering having a character who dreams he is a successful busisnessman at night but is actually a schoolboy in truth. In his dreams however, he keeps seeing a girl who he becomes infatuated with. Eventually he ends up meeting her in real life.

This idea is one of the front runners at the moment because it would be quite simple to make in terms of shots and editing. The only drawback is the numerous locations and cast members we would have to source.

The next idea is very arty and pretentious. A man wakes up in the forest and sees a thin string running between trees. He begins to follow it (all the while music is building up to a loud and inspiring finale) and soon notices others following different pieces of string too. They all begin to sprint following their individual stings until they all meet atop a hill to see the sunrise.

This is a very typical short film idea and it is possible for us to film, however it was an idea that Oli had been planning to do alone so we may allow him to do so, keeping this project a more team effort.

The final idea is also quite arty. It explores the idea of one persons consequences on the world. In this case, an apple recieves the consequences of lots of peoples actions and ends up saving a man's life.

I like this idea because it is arty and original as well as being achievable.

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