Thursday, 17 September 2009

Short Film Reserch: Target Audiences

With short films being the niche, almost underground genre that they are, finding the target audience for one is imperative.

Whilst we know that our target audience can easily fall into our peer group and those we know, we also need to define the target audience if we were to look on an international scale.

Looking at the subject matter of our film, it is suitable for anyone. It contains a light tone and family friendly storyline so it could be aimed at all ages. However, not all ages will seek out short films. Reserch tells me that the audience of short fillms is typially male, aged 19-40 so they are the largest target demographic and all others would be subsidiary.

Looking at this we have noticed that these findings generally line up with Witness so we like the thought of adding in an intertextual reference to it. This is a tricky business because if the intertextual reference isn't spotted but it is critical to the plot, then everything can be lost. With this in mind we will make our reference nonchalant so that those who understand it will be happy, but those who don't will also still be able to follow the film.

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